ConforStep is a company based at 40 km from the PORTO in the municipality of Felgueiras in Portugal.
His birth was in 2003. Since then the company's growth has been constant. Currently, as a result of hard work and dynamism we sell to markets such as the Netherlands, Belgium, France, Germany, Czech Republic, Russia among others, and the focus on growth continues.
We combine the mastery of pure craftsmanship with the use of the latest technology, so that in the end our products reflect a contemporary and innovative character.
Throughout its years of existence the company has developed products of recognized quality, synonymous with innovation, and dynamism capable of satisfying the requirements of contemporary men and women, independent, dynamic and happy.
Our mission is "To be your second skin and empower your constant renewal."
In this way, we will continue to inspire and give confidence to our customers, offering them the most innovative and comfortable shoes.